Mirrors for http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware-iso/slackware64-14.2-iso/slackware64-14.2-install-dvd.iso.txt

Powered by MirrorBrain on Slackware
http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware-iso/slackware64-14.2-iso/slackware64-14.2-install-dvd.iso.txt.meta4 (IETF Metalink)

List of best mirrors for IP address, located at 48.035400,-122.814499 in United States (US):   map showing the closest mirrors

Found 7 mirrors which handle this country (US):

Found 1 mirror in other countries, but same continent (NA):

Found 15 mirrors in other parts of the world: